Peacock Architects Pave The Way For The New Era of Company Culture in The Architecture Industry

Gone are the days of bully bosses, employee competition, and zero work/life balance. President & Vice President, Tamara and Cristin Peacock have cultivated a sense of belonging, teamwork, and ultimately employee growth that has generated in a 25% increase in their bottom line during the biggest global pandemic of this generation.

The architecture industry has a reputation for 80+ hour work weeks and zero to little work life balance. Hence, the very little number of licensed female architects. Add that to the highly collaborative and technically advanced nature of the job and sprinkle in a global pandemic. What they were left with was flipping these old ideals on their head. We talked with Tamara and Cristin to learn more about how they transitioned during the pandemic and the positive post-pandemic company culture that they have created.

Q: Company culture has been a hot topic over the last couple of years. Things are changing progressively for the better, especially with covid changing office life as we once knew it. How have you embraced this change and implemented it into your company’s processes?

Tamara Peacock: We upgraded software for remote work and openly discuss work/life balance as well as flexible schedules for all employees.

Cristin Peacock: These past few years really pushed us when it came to a change in company culture. We had to keep up with the ever so quickly changing work environment. It was hard at times making the adjustment, but I must say I am happy we did. We are lucky to be in such a technologically advanced era with an industry that is very technology based. It has allowed us to interact and stay involved with each other on a day to day basis and manage multiple projects and persons at once - in other words, Tamara and I have become more accessible to our employees on a different level than previously. We have also come up with alternate strategies and policies to allow employees to work from home when needed, and found ways to coordinate drawings/design through the advanced technology. It's been fun learning the new programs and advancements that are aiding us in design.

Q: What is your training and onboarding process like?

T: Training occurs in the studio among peers as well as encouragement of the creative process with everyone participating. Onboarding is mostly a typical HR function but something we’ve just implemented was a buddy system for new hires. During their first week, new hires are assigned a buddy that takes them to lunch and give them an ear to freely express concerns. This has really helped us open up communication with our employees so that we can nix problems from the beginning, and give them the tools they need to succeed in their position.

C: We’ve recently changed this in the last year. Now our Business Administrative Manager goes through an entire on-boarding process where she walks the employees through each of our policies and explains in depth what they mean and how they affect the employee. She gives them time to ask questions about each item to make sure that we are all on the same page and that any worries of theirs have been responded to. After that they sit down with Tamara or myself and get introduced to team and projects we want to get them started on! We review the project scope with them and get them started. Over then next couple of weeks I sit with them at their desks and go through items step-by-step. I walk through the project and drawings with them and explain what is needed and why it's needed. Here they are also able to ask me any questions they have pertaining to the projects and I explain our different approaches to projects or tasks of the project. After drawings are completed, I have the designers print their drawings so I can do a quality control review. After I complete my review I sit with them and walkthrough the markups so they understand why the comments and revisions are required. We are very hands on in this office and like it this way.

Q: Why do you think that employees choose Peacock Architects over competitors?

T: Freedom, respect....being surrounding by top talent.

C: I believe we provided an environment people want to be a part of. We are not high-stress atmosphere and we just love being architects. That's what comes first- being an architect, and I believe employees see that when they interview with Tamara and I and hear our story. As such, we also want our employees to understand what it's like and be able to experience all the different types of projects there are out there and the different aspects of them to be a well rounded architect. Because of the work we do, we provide this unique opportunity to allow designers to dabble in a little bit of everything. We want to provide opportunity to all.

What does Peacock Architects offer that other companies do not?

T: Mentoring under highly and diversely experienced architects that are easily accessible. The combination of creative opportunity and high profile projects is a rare opportunity. We enjoy working in a team without a bunch of big egos and aloof attitudes.

C: A comfortable work environment where the employees are like family not just co-workers. We also offer high-end design and allow equal opportunity for all in the workplace to be a part of the projects.

Q: What are you looking for in an employee/ new hire?

T: Talent, commitment and enthusiasm

C: Someone who is smart and willing to learn. Those are always two traits you can't beat. I have always found that employees who have an eagerness to learn and grow always excel because they are curious and what to find the solutions. And that is exactly what we do as architects. We're problem solvers.

What positions are you hiring for right now?

C: Architectural Designers, Project Managers, and Architectural Interns.

T: We’re currently expanding our North Carolina team, but are always looking for great workers and team players for either location.

Now let’s hear from some of Peacock Architect’s employees…

Q: Why did you choose to work for Peacock Architects?

A: I identified with Tamara & Cristin’s vision within the first 10 minutes of meeting them. I believe we share the same values, so it was an easy decision. My job at Peacock Architects has given me the invaluable opportunity to not only keep growing professionally but also personally. The work we are doing here is bigger than myself and I am so blessed everyday to be a part of that.

A: I chose to work for Peacock Architects because I felt that they wanted to teach me as much as I wanted to learn, and as a beginner within the field that was exactly what I was looking for. Coming into the workforce as a fresh graduate out of college is a very intimidating task, everyone at Peacock Architects made me feel welcome. That and the fact that they are a small, successful company I knew I would have the opportunity to learn about every part of the design process at a more in-depth scale.

A: They were highly recommended by other employees, so that is always a great sign. Plus, I was very impressed with management upon our first meeting. It seemed like a great place to work and turns out it truly is!

Q: What about the company culture drew you to them?

A: I was drawn to this company because it is a family business with female leadership I admire that deeply.

A: We are a small team, but we work very harmoniously and help each other a lot. The work atmosphere is friendly, everyone is a team player and willing to learn and to teach. It’s just a seamless experience in the office of everyone working together to problem solve and get the job done.

A: I really liked the idea of a company run and mostly operated by women in a male-dominated industry. Everyone is really nice and the atmosphere in the office is very welcoming and upbeat, everyone seemed excited to share with me all that they have to teach.

Q: Why do you like working for Cristin & Tamara?

A: Cristin and Tamara are female leaders. They don't boss around their employees, they lead the team through their actions. It’s so motivating to watch, and encourages us to follow their lead day in and day out.

A: I like working for Cristin and Tamara because they are genuinely concerned with everyone becoming the best versions of themselves and making sure that we are comfortable in the work we are taking on and have everything needed to be the most successful when taking on any task. As a beginner within the profession, it feels like they are the perfect mentors to start with and learn as much as possible from.

Q: Is there anything else you want to share about your experience working for Peacock Architects?

A: It is a nice feeling to be excited to go work. I enjoy interacting with my coworkers and meeting the daily challenges to complete projects.

A: Working at Peacock Architects is the epitome of the saying, "if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.”

We are currently expanding both our Fort Lauderdale and North Carolina teams. Want to be a part of the Peacock legacy? Contact to apply now.


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